

Blockchain logo certificate

Copyright owner:
The original SVG file of the logo contains this ID entry:

© 2021 Jiří Chlebus,

Proof of authenticity:
SHA256 hash of the SVG logo:


Proof of existence:
The aforementioned SHA256 hash of the SVG logo was written to the bitcoin blockchain.

Bitcoin block 713547 confirms hash existence at: 2021-12-10 CET

Certificate verification:

Choosing logo version

By downloading a specific version of the logo (Screen Version vs. Print Version) straight away to get the relevant color of the logo for your use. The table shows a summary and the most common cases.

Features and use of the logo
Version for screenVersion for print
Color mode of downloaded filesRGBCMYKPantone
Recommended logo formatsPNGSVGPDFEPSPDF
Web and presentations (PowerPoint, Keynote)
Online documents (Google, Office365)
Business card, flyer or brochure
Contracts and documents for printing

Protection zone:

25 % of logo height

It is a space around the logo, where no surrounding graphic elements (logos, texts, images, page margins, etc.) must interfere so as not to disturb the brand. In most cases, the logo is in the surrounding context of other elements, from which it distances itself and differs due to the space of the protection zone.

Protection zone

Things to avoid

The visual impression of the logo must be consistent. In order to achieve this, we follow these rules, which prohibit manipulation of the logo, especially in these ways.

Do not use shadows

Do not rotate logo

Do not recolor logo

Do not deform or change its original proportions of the logo

Logo on background

Logo: Simplecoin Orange
Background: White

Logo: White
Background: Simplecoin Orange

Logo: Simplecoin Orange
Background: Simplecoin Purple

Logo: White
Background: Simplecoin Purple